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Sexy Spirituality

Oct 22, 2018

Sexy Spirituality podcast Episode 8:

A Message for Our Girls



Lezli Goodwin

Sonia Byrne

Nicole Von Atzingen


Check In

Nicole: I spent the last three days painting the center office. They don't teach that in ministerial school!

Sonia: Lezli, Kimjera and I spent the last week in Denver at Centers for Spiritual Living home office, sitting for our final oral panels to become ministers.

Lezli: We can sure give feedback on what could be added to the ministerial school curriculum -- apparently office painting, podcast 101...


Lezli: "A Message for Our Girls"

  • There are so many messages being tossed at our girls and young women today. Messages about their appearance, how they should act, what they should value, what they can do. It's overwhelming.
  • What I want our girls to hear is that there is so much more to them than what other people expect.
  • You are spirit, you are soul, you are wisdom, you are intelligence, you are creativity. You can do or be anything.


Roundtable with Sonia Byrne & Nicole Von Atzingen

  • The US political and cultural situation (with Me Too, Time's Up, etc.) is reflective of the international situation. The same issues are affecting women and girls all over the world.
  • We want young women to know that they are expressions of the feminine divine, the goddess.  The reason we find ourselves oppressed across history is because we are so powerful.
  • The female is the place of ultimate creativity -- of birth. This can be the creation of life, the creation of ideas, the creation of all kinds of goodness.
  • Being raised in a teaching like New Thought offers girls and young women to be with their strength, their feelings, their vulnerability. What a difference it makes to be surrounded by these messages when you are young.
  • Resilience studies suggest that the most important factor in how well a young person handles trauma is the presence of one adult who thinks they matter.
  • That brings up the idea of mentors for young women.  Look for someone who has what you want, ask for guidance and listen.


Tell Us Something Good!


I am facilitating a book study that starts tonight, focusing on Marianne Williamson's book "A Woman's Worth."  There is still time to join our 5 week study, meeting at 7:00 PM EST via Zoom technology. You can register at 



If you are in the Southern California area, you are invited to visit Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living.  We are a spiritually progressive community that accepts everyone.  Our Sunday services are at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Find out more at



After a bit of a break, I am currently accepting new mentoring clients. If you are ready to dig in, make some real changes and experience your best life, give me a call. I'd love to work with you. Learn more at


Show Info

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Our next episode is "The Book that Changed Me."