Apr 29, 2019
Sexy Spirituality Episode #34
The Spirituality of Money Consciousness
Lezli Goodwin
Sonia Byrne
Guest: Karen Russo
Opening Chat
Sonia, Lezli and Karen talk wallets, their use and what it means for modern commerce.
The Spirituality of Money Consciousness
Something Good
Tuesday, April 30 is the final class for the free "Stained Glass Spirit" class via Zoom at 6:00 PM PST. This is a special night! We'll be joined by the author, Tracy Brown. You can find the link to join us to hear the authorst ake at www.riversidecsl.org.
If you've been listening to this conversation and want to have a sense of, "Where so I start around money?" I have a wonderful video training and a quiz to show you where you're stukck and where to get free. Get the Three Money Myths Kit at www.threemoneymythskit.com
New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is offering a free Community Morning Meditation via Zoom. Join us at 7:00 AM PST for a 15 minute guided meditation, Mondays through Fridays. www.zoom.us, room # 6027878888 or find the link at www.newvisioncsl.org
We'll see you May 6 for our next episode of Sexy Spirituality. Share your thoughts with us at sexyspirituality@gmail.com.