Apr 10, 2021
4.9.21 Sexy Spirituality Show Notes
“Exploring Spirituality through Songwriting”
Recorded 2.9.21. 10:00 AM MST
Exploring Spirituality through Songwriting
Sexy Spirituality Episode #40
Host: Lezli Goodwin
Guest: Denise Rosier, Contemporary New Thought artist, and award-winning singer/songwriter
Guest: Heather O’Day, Musical Director of Sonoran Desert Center for Spiritual Living in Amado, Arizona
Small Talk
Lezli, Heather and Denise talk birthdays!
Exploring Spirituality through Songriting
Something Good
Heather: I am the host of Wednesday Night Live, which is a New Thought music driven video podcast Facebook.com/CSLSonoranDesert. Plus, new music called “The Journey” at www.heatheroday.com for info.
Denise: In addition to my music, one of the things I did during COVID was work on some ministry resources. Go to deniserosier.com for info for ministers and music directors, free chords for congregational songs. I’m developing workshops for pulpit ministers and music directors to build a stronger connection for creating a bigger and more robust music ministry. And I’m starting a new album this year!
Lezli: My something good is…I have a class coming up called Podcasting 101. Podcasting can be a fun, creative way to embrace the idea of a church without walls, connecting with people all over the world. It can seem overwhelming, but there are simple, inexpensive ways to make your podcasting dreams a reality. In just a few weeks, you could be ready to launch your first podcast and get your message to the people who really want it. Cost for this 4-week class is $89.00. Class starts Thursday, May 6 at 6:00 PM MST. To find out more, go to lezligoodwin.com/onlineclasses
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If you have any feedback about the show, we’d love to hear from you at lezligoodwin@gmail.com. You can find all of our show notes and podcast episodes at sexyspiritualitypodcast.com. Be sure to click subscribe! We’ll see you on April 24 for our next episode, “Expressing Spirituality through Songwriting”. Thanks for joining us for Sexy Spirituality, Real Spirituality for the Modern World.